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Modular Videos In Video Ads | Viscap Media

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Modular Videos In Video Ads

Modular Videos In Video Ads[/caption]

[audio wav="https://viscapmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Modular-Content-In-Video-Ads-Full-Article-Read.wav"][/audio]

Modular Content? In Videos? What’s That?

If you love solving puzzles you’ll love what modular content is! PharmaPhorum defines modular content as “the process of creating modules of content to be assembled in any way the user requires” and is a general definition that we’ll narrow down later as we talk more about how Viscap Media applies this approach to video advertising through modular video ads creation.It’s essentially having a bunch of different versions for each section of the modular video ads and then having a computer algorithm piece the different parts together to create a bunch of different video ads.Let’s go through how modular video ads are made, how modern tech companies are using modular content, how it differs from traditional content, and whether modular videos are effective.

[embed]https://youtu.be/rDFESGIcj60[/embed][audio wav="https://viscapmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Modular-Videos-In-Video-Advertising-Blog-Summary-Audio.wav"][/audio]

Key Takeaways

  1. Modular video ads is the process of creating different parts to be assembled later.
  2. Modular video ads are highly effective, are expected to replace traditional video ads, and dominate the next decade.
  3. Video advertising in general is increasing in importance.
  4. If you need help with video advertising, there’s nothing wrong with contacting professionals to handle the projects.

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4 Key Takeaways Modular Videos In Video Ads Article

4 Key Takeaways Modular Videos In Video Ads Article[/caption]

How Modular Content Works

So, modular video ads are essentially completed puzzles, with each section of the video ads being a different puzzle piece. Each puzzle piece has a bunch of different variations that can fit together seamlessly to make different completed puzzles.AI takes these different puzzle pieces and makes as many video variations as possible with the pieces. This is a really great metaphor as to how modular videos are made and it still follows the same frameworks as the traditional videos others are still making.So, let’s say we have 3 hooks, 3 body content clips, and 3 CTA endings to make things super simple. The AI will put hook 1 with body content 1 and CTA 1 to make the first video. The AI will swap out hook 1 with hook 2 and create a separate product video. The process is repeated over and over again until 27 different videos are made from those modular video elements.Each section can be referred to as a bucket to have built out frameworks that can be applied to different video advertising types. The framework set up for a viral video may be different from a UGC video for example.

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Modular Videos Puzzle Picture Metaphor

Modular Videos Puzzle Picture Metaphor[/caption]

Modular Content In Marketing

This way of advertising is also being adopted by some of the big tech companies. For example, Google and TikTok are currently using modular content in their service offerings to paid advertisers.Google allows advertisers to use AI and their algorithms to input a bunch of different headlines, descriptions, pictures, links, etc.The algorithm then uses the different advertising assets and A/B tests them in different combinations. Based on the performance the different combinations produce, Google will give preferential treatment to the winning formulas.TikTok is doing something very similar to Google where advertisers can go in and set goals, upload a bunch of different creative elements, then let TikTok take care of the rest. They will take different videos, headlines, etc. to test and promote the best combinations possible. This ensures the best results and isn’t as restrictive as launching a million and one different types and combinations manually.[caption id="attachment_8111" align="aligncenter" width="3557"]

3 Companies That Use Modular Content In Ads Infographic

3 Companies That Use Modular Content In Ads Infographic[/caption]

Modular Content At Viscap Media

This process allows Viscap Media to produce more content than our competitors. We do this to adapt to the current battlefield of video advertising and the demands of our clients.Modular videos are also our answer to the recent restrictions that the major tech companies are making to create barriers to entry for tracking and reporting. Some examples of this would be the recent iOS 14 update and the doing away of third-party cookies (but not first-party cookies).Higher quantities of product videos allow our clients to test as many modular videos as possible to find the winning formula for them. This is increasingly important with the restrictions on tracking and reporting that keep rolling out.[caption id="attachment_8104" align="aligncenter" width="2798"]

Modular Videos Picture Miracle Sheets

Modular Videos Picture Miracle Sheets[/caption]

Modular Content Creation vs. Traditional and Structured Content Approaches

So, now that we’ve discussed the definition of modular content and how Viscap Media harnesses this awesome video advertising strategy, how does this compare to structured content approaches?As we’ve talked about earlier, modular videos allow us to generate as many product videos as possible for our clients. This is equivalent to a rapid-fire and high spread shot rather than a sniper. The low quantity structured content approach may have been okay when there was plenty of data out there, or even a few decades ago when content would be used for longer.In this day and age, the number of impressions needed on a potential customer is higher than ever and video ads are getting A/B tested then swapped out on a regular basis to optimize the return on advertising spend.The traditional and structured approach is very linear. The video ads would start with the hook, move on to the key problem, so on and so forth. Each video would be made separately. There’s no mixing, matching, or optimizing involved in the process. It’s impossible to tell which sections of the video ads performed the best to be replicated later and are taken as a whole.The NEW modular video approach is to fill each bucket with winning ideas across the board. Having 3 incredible hooks, 3 incredible value propositions, 3 incredible calls to action. When the winning videos are found, insights can be made based on the performance data so that the winning strategy can be replicated and expanded upon.The amount of time and advertising dollars spent on one video ad could’ve been used to make a dozen, then market tested to see the highest performer. This ensures winning video ads instead of flipping a coin on a single video ad HOPING it’ll convert.[caption id="attachment_8105" align="aligncenter" width="1080"]

Modular Videos Framework Transparent Metaphor Picture

Modular Videos Framework Transparent Metaphor Picture[/caption]

Is Modular Content Effective?

YES!!! Modular content is the best approach to video advertising in this day and age. The number of impressions needed on a customer nowadays is at an all-time high and their attention spans seem to grow shorter by the day!Making modular video ads is the answer video marketers have been searching for to compete in the modern climate. It’s better to market test a bunch of different variations to a video ad instead of hoping ONE will produce results with crossed-fingers. The winning video may even take you by surprise and could have been your least favorite one out of the bunch!The modular video ads approach to product videos has produced incredible results for our D2C and eCommerce clients alike. Modular video ads are also expected to take over the video advertising vertical and absolutely dominate the space. These modular videos are optimized for the target platforms and can range anywhere from pre roll video advertising to in-feed paid video content on various social media platforms.Forbes expects 82% of all online consumer traffic to be driven by online videos by 2022 making this a HUGE area for brands to invest in to get the best possible bang for the buck and drive real conversions to their pages.

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Modular Videos Video Marketing Concept

Modular Videos Video Marketing Concept[/caption]

Why To Hire A Video Advertising Agency

The process of creating modular video ads is not easy. We outline the video, write the scripts, cast the talent, film the videos, edit the videos together, then publish and track the content for the best results. This process is a lot of work and is also very time consuming. It’s even worse if the modular video ads are being made by less experienced individuals as there’s quite a learning curve to everything from writing to filming to tracking & reporting.There’s nothing wrong with finding a really great creative video advertising agency to do the heavy lifting when it comes to video ads creatives.Here at Viscap Media, we’re marketers at heart and not just geeks with cameras. We want you to get the best possible results with your video ads campaigns. We’re here to help and to learn more about us, check Viscap Media’s page on video advertising.When you’re ready, reach out to us and we'll be happy to set up a video call and consultation to see how we can best help your brand succeed.

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Modular Content In Video Advertising VisCap Media

Modular Content In Video Advertising VisCap Media[/caption]


To make a long story short, let’s run through the main points of the article. Modular video ads is the process of creating different parts to be assembled later. The best way of thinking about this is interchangeable puzzle pieces that get mixed and matched to make a bunch of different variations. Modular video ads are highly effective, are expected to replace traditional video ads, and dominate the next decade.The number of impressions and the average attention span is changing by the day. Video advertising in general is increasing in importance with an expected 82% of all consumer internet traffic to be driven by video ads by 2022. If you need help with video advertising, there’s nothing wrong with contacting professionals to handle the projects. We’re more than geeks with cameras. We’re marketers at heart!Want to see what high quality product video advertising can do for your brand? Contact us at Viscap Media today to get started! As video marketing experts, we know the video marketing industry, the social media platforms, the theory behind marketing, and creating product video content for brands that convert!Contact us today, and let’s get started working on your digital marketing campaign plans!Sources:What Is Modular Content And Why Do Pharma Marketers Need It Now | PharmaPhorumDigital Video Advertising Domination | ForbesDigital Video Advertising Domination | Search Engine Journal

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