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Your FBA Business & Video Commercials

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Your FBA Business and Video Commercials Article Thumbnail

Your FBA Business and Video Commercials Article Thumbnail[/caption]

[audio wav="https://viscapmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Your-FBA-Business-and-Video-Commercials-Full-Article-Read.wav"][/audio]

Your FBA Business And Video Commercials

Running an FBA, or Fulfill By Amazon, can be very profitable if it’s done right. If you’ve been on social media recently, you may have seen some videos trying to convince you to start an FBA company to make some serious money or run a side gig. Let’s go through what an FBA business is, how to do marketing for an FBA business, and how important a video commercial is to advertising for an FBA well.By the end of this, you’ll know more about an FBA business, will be able to figure out if you want to start an FBA business, and how to do marketing for your FBA business.Let’s get started![embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUTrzIEzyX8[/embed][audio wav="https://viscapmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Your-FBA-Business-and-Video-Commercials-Summary-Audio.wav"][/audio]

Key Takeaways

  1. FBA stands for Fulfillment By Amazon.
  2. FBA helps list, store, and ship your products.
  3. There are lots of tools available to help start FBAs.
  4. Using video commercials for FBA is a best practice.
  5. Partner with a creative ad agency for the best video commercials.

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Your FBA Business and Video Commercials - 5 Key Takeaways

Your FBA Business and Video Commercials - 5 Key Takeaways[/caption]

What Is An FBA Business?

An FBA business, or Fulfillment By Amazon business, is an eCommerce store that’s set up through Amazon. Operating an FBA business can help with product listing, storage, and shipping.The idea is that with an FBA business, Amazon will help with listing on their massive eCommerce platform, hold onto your product inventory, and ship the products out from their warehouses once the product has been sold.In 2021, 56% of Amazon sellers were third-party sellers according to Statista, and profits from third-party sellers grew by 34% in the second quarter. This means that there’s money to be made on this platform and sellers can get in on the action pretty easily.Amazon lays out really easy-to-follow instructions for sellers to get started. You can check it out below.[caption id="attachment_8727" align="aligncenter" width="666"]

Your FBA Business and Video Commercials Setup Instructions

Your FBA Business and Video Commercials Setup Instructions[/caption]You can start setting up your FBA business today by following this link for Amazon Seller sign-up. With all of Amazon’s infrastructure, daily website traffic, and ease of use it’s a no-brainer as to why so many people are wanting to sign up to start their FBA businesses.Finding items that’ll sell really well for your FBA business can be kinda tricky sometimes. You can look at the Amazon top sellers list, popular trends, seasonal products, or use a product research tool to automate the whole process.There are a million and one different amazon product research tools out there, both paid and free, one tool you can look into to get you started is Sellzone. They help with listing optimization, Amazon SEO, product research, and listing protection to name a few. You can also search for a few others and compare them to find the right FBA business tool that fits your needs.[caption id="attachment_8726" align="aligncenter" width="699"]

Your FBA Business and Video Commercials sellzone.com product research tool

Your FBA Business and Video Commercials sellzone.com product research tool[/caption]Another interesting thing to try is to do keyword searches and try to find products that are about to get popular but aren’t yet. These will provide the most returns as you’re filling a gap in the market.Something interesting to look into to take it a step further are private label products. These are going to be the products that have the highest profit margin. These are products that already exist that get changed a little bit, rebranded, then listed to be sold.If you’re looking to find the best returns, the private label approach will be the best FBA business strategy for sure.The key difference between an FBA business and one that does drop shipping is whether or not the seller buys the merchandise. With an FBA business, the seller needs to buy all the merchandise, then ship it to an Amazon warehouse where it gets stored until the product’s bought and shipped to the customer.An example of companies that do drop shipping are Teespring and Threadless. They’re both print-on-demand (POD) dropshipping companies where the seller doesn’t do anything but set up the online store and direct traffic to purchase the products off the website. The dropshipping company then does everything from printing to shipping without any money out-of-pocket from the seller. The seller simply collects their cut of the sale after the product is purchased.

How To Do Marketing For An FBA Business

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Your FBA Business and Video Commercials eCommerce Lifestyle Image

Your FBA Business and Video Commercials eCommerce Lifestyle Image[/caption]Doing marketing for an FBA business can be tricky when just starting out. There are plenty of tools that Amazon sellers can use to help them increase the sales of their products without having to be marketing gurus themselves. Tools like Sellzone that we mentioned above are perfect for starting out your Amazon marketing. The next step up from these tools are going to be AMAs.An AMA, no not the American Medical Association… or the one for marketing... We’re talking about an Amazon Marketing Agency. These agencies specialize in marketing products on the Amazon platform. They may do anything from Amazon SEO to managing auto-bids and media buying.To get the most out of Amazon Marketing Agencies, it’s best to match these services up with a really great creative advertising agency. Companies like Viscap Media, can help with video commercials that Amazon Marketing Agencies can launch to get the best results possible.To take things an extra step further, and get even more business for your FBA business, using a media buying agency that goes beyond Amazon may be the best option. These media buying agencies will help launch the creative video commercials in more places than just one platform to get a wider reach and more conversions for your products.Using a media buyer like Sellers Alley will help your FBA business advertise on social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Google. That'll open up more options for scaling your business in the future as well since you’ve now started expanding your marketing mix to include a wider range of touchpoints to reach customers.

Video Commercials For Your FBA Business

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Your FBA Business and Video Commercials Behind The Scenes

Your FBA Business and Video Commercials Behind The Scenes[/caption]Creating product videos, branded videos, product photos, and other visual assets for your FBA business can be difficult to put together. There’s a LOT of work that goes into making good creative assets to advertise with and it can be a real learning curve for FBA businesses trying to make the assets themselves while also running the business.These video commercials are your best bet at making a conversion on Amazon and can be used across other social media platforms to funnel potential customers to your Amazon page.The best way to use video commercials is to have high-converting video creatives that have been based on proven frameworks that are guaranteed to produce results for your FBA business. These video commercials are then used across social media platforms and other areas of digital advertising to create awareness, consideration, and conversion all within the same video!If you’d like to learn more about social commerce and possibly adding your storefronts to social media as a point of purchase, you can read all about it in our article about How Social Commerce Is Changing The Future of eCommerce. It’s a really interesting article and you’ll learn more about more ways to use social media marketing to expand your FBA business.There’s a bunch of options to choose from when picking a type of video commercial. Everything from UGC (user-generated content) testimonials, demo videos, to viral video commercials are all options on the table, and the best practice is going to be using a mixture of these types of videos and maybe one or two other ones in a marketing campaign based on your marketing goals to get the best results possible.

Why To Hire A Creative Video Advertising Agency

The process of creating video commercials isn’t easy. We outline the video, write the scripts, cast the talent, film the videos, edit the videos together, then publish and track the content for the best results. This process is a lot of work, so it’s very time-consuming.It’s even worse if video commercials are being made by less experienced individuals as there’s quite a learning curve to everything from writing, to filming, to tracking, & reporting.It's the best practice to find a really great creative video advertising agency to do the heavy lifting when it comes to a video commercial. Here at Viscap Media, we’re marketers at heart and not just geeks with cameras.We also have had experience running eCommerce stores, as well as marketing for them. Most of our clients have eCommerce websites and focus on direct-to-consumer products. This allows us to use our experience to help eCommerce businesses as we’ve had first-hand experience with what FBA businesses are going through.We want you to get the best possible results with your video commercial campaigns. We’re here to help and to learn more about us, check Viscap Media’s page on video advertising.When you’re ready, reach out to us and we'll be happy to set up a video call and consultation to see how we can best help your brand succeed.


To make a long story short, FBA stands for Fulfillment By Amazon. Using FBA helps sellers list, store, and ship products to customers and can help reduce headaches a lot of sellers may have with selling products online.There are lots of tools available to help start FBA businesses and help with marketing. It’s important to pick products that are known to sell well and choosing to sell private label products will make for the best profit margins.Using video commercials for FBA businesses is a best practice and is really important for driving more sales to help scale the business. Partnering with a creative ad agency to get the best video commercials will get the best results for your product sales.Sources:Fulfillment By Amazon | AmazonAmazon Private Label | AMZ ScoutAmazon Third-Party Sellers | StatistaHome | TeespringHome | SellzoneAmazon Seller Sign Up | Sell Amazon

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