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AI In Marketing & Video Ads | VisCap Media

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AI in Marketing and Video Ads

AI in Marketing and Video Ads[/caption]

[audio wav="https://viscapmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/AI-in-Marketing-and-Video-Ads-Full-Article-Read.wav"][/audio]

AI In Marketing & Video Ads

Using AI, or artificial intelligence, in marketing is becoming more and more common every day. Companies like Google and TikTok are taking advantage of the new technologies readily available, and more companies should be following suit to get the most with their advertising spend. It’s amazing to see what modern technology can do, and if digital marketers are not keeping up with the most modern trends and technologies then they risk being left behind.Through this article, we’ll be talking about what AI in marketing is, how marketers can use AI in marketing, and how AI can be used in the creation of video ads.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7P725XHCLE[/embed][audio wav="https://viscapmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/AI-in-Marketing-and-Video-Ads-Article-Summary-Audio.wav"][/audio]

Key Takeaways

  1. AI in marketing is getting more important by the day.
  2. Big Tech and ad agencies all use AI in marketing.
  3. There are a million and one things agencies can use AI in marketing for.
  4. Creating and optimizing video ads using AI is the best practice.
  5. Contact a creative ad agency when you’re ready to launch video ads.

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5 Key Takeaways for AI In Marketing And Video Ads

5 Key Takeaways for AI In Marketing And Video Ads[/caption]

What Is AI In Marketing?

IBM defines artificial intelligence as “something that leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind” and this definition is a great place to start when talking about AI in marketing.AI in marketing is about automating tasks that can be repetitive and boring with robots or computers that can do the tasks more efficiently than any person ever could. This allows marketers to get back to higher-level tasks as a lot of the lower-level actions are being automated.AI in marketing also makes collecting useful information and getting key insights with the collected Big Data a lot quicker and more accurate. This allows for marketers to hyper-target potential customers, then reach the target audience at the right place at the right time. This makes every dollar of ad spend go even further as it’s being used in the best way possible.The best use cases for AI in marketing are for times where speed, accuracy, and scalability are really important. Artificial intelligence is really good at doing large repetitive tasks quickly and accurately.This is why Big Tech companies are using AI in marketing to run all their advertising bidding auctions and optimizations. Companies like Google and TikTok use artificial intelligence to make sure that the highest bidder for the video ads space (even by a penny) is the winner. This is done so frequently every minute that it’s not possible to even think about what a manual process would even look like.[caption id="attachment_8601" align="aligncenter" width="242"]

AI in Marketing - Google Ads Screenshot

AI in Marketing - Google Ads Screenshot[/caption]Google and TikTok also have artificial intelligence software that will put together different modular ads from creating multiple variations of the same part.Google and TikTok use AI in marketing to have advertisers upload a bunch of different variations for each part. The advertisers can upload a bunch of titles, a bunch of descriptions, and a bunch of video ads. Google and TikTok will take all those variations, mix & match the different parts, then test to see which combination works the best.Advertisers can then go in, swap out the parts that don’t really work, and then have Google re-test the winning combinations with the new parts to get even better results.

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AI in Marketing - TikTok Ads Screenshot

AI in Marketing - TikTok Ads Screenshot[/caption]

How Can Marketers Use AI In Marketing?

There are plenty of different ways that marketers can use AI in marketing from the chatbots on websites to creating video ads automation to speed up creation.Using AI in marketing also allows marketers to use customer data to better understand their target audience and gain powerful insights or predictions from the provided data.These key insights are then applied to their overall marketing strategy to improve on current marketing results. These insights can also be used to be acted on faster to provide the best reaction time possible to make changes within a campaign. Being able to pivot during a campaign at the drop of a hat is very useful in marketing campaigns to get the best results possible from a marketing campaign.[caption id="attachment_8607" align="aligncenter" width="638"]

AI in Marketing and Video Ads Analysis & Optimization

AI in Marketing and Video Ads Analysis & Optimization[/caption]Using key insights collected from AI lets marketers make more custom approaches with each client or customer they deal with. To have the most personalized experience possible. This helps the customer relate to the brand a lot better and become more responsive to points of contact the potential customer has with the brand.A recent article from Forbes has a top 4 list of uses for AI in marketing. In the article, the top 4 they list include using AI in marketing for customer targeting/personas, campaign monitoring, sales forecasting, and chatbots.It’s interesting that Forbes mentions the use of customer targeting/personas as well as campaign monitoring since Viscap Media does both of these things for our clients!Using AI for campaign monitoring is something that we offer our clients to optimize their ad performance with the launch of video ad creatives. This allows us to find out who the winners and losers are in a very short period of time. We can then course correct and scale the winners to bring the best results to our clients.

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AI in Marketing and Video Ads Optimizing Daily Tasks

AI in Marketing and Video Ads Optimizing Daily Tasks[/caption]

How Can AI Be Used In The Creation Of Video Ads

Using AI in marketing for tracking & reporting is an awesome tool that allows us to create, test, and optimize video ads performance. We also use AI in the video ads making process. This is done by modularizing the video-making process. We’ll summarize the process here, but you should definitely check out our other article that goes more in depth on the topic Modular Videos in Video Ads.Using modular videos allows us to create video ads at scale! It’s the best way of getting 100 video ads out of just one. This is done by breaking the video up into different parts. This makes up the video framework where we assemble all the parts together to make a complete video.Multiple different variations are then made for each part of the video so that the different variations can be swapped out to make completely different videos. Let’s say there are 3 intros, 3 bodies, and 3 endings to keep things simple. These different parts can be rearranged so the first video would be intro 1, body 1, and ending 1. The second video would be intro 1, body 1, and ending 2. This is repeated until we have 27 total videos.[caption id="attachment_8592" align="aligncenter" width="637"]

AI in Marketing and Video Ads Modular Parts

AI in Marketing and Video Ads Modular Parts[/caption]Think of this kinda like putting different puzzle pieces together, or building blocks with pieces that can be replaced. The parts can be swapped out with the final product staying the same.When we launch the video ads on a platform, tracking & reporting are used and we can pivot at the drop of a hat to optimize the creatives for the campaign. New video variations can be created and added at the speed of light!This has been the best practice since new privacy features started being released that limit tracking and reporting. Using the new format of video ads allows for multiple shots that can be retargeted compared to the old style where if the video ad misses, then the company may need to start from scratch.

How Can AI Be Used In The Creation Of Video Ads: Summary

So, to recap, Viscap Media uses AI in marketing to perform 3 key functions. These functions include:

  1. Customer Targeting
  2. Video Ads Creation
  3. Tracking & Reporting

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3 Ways Viscap Media Use AI In Marketing and Video Ads

3 Ways Viscap Media Use AI In Marketing and Video Ads[/caption]https://www.tiktok.com/@viscapmedia/video/7007427795462802689?lang=en&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6991924022397224450

Why To Hire A Creative Video Advertising Agency

The process of creating video ads is not easy. We outline the video, write the scripts, cast the talent, film the videos, edit the videos together, then publish and track the content for the best results. This process is a lot of work and is also very time-consuming.It’s even worse if the video ads are being made by less experienced individuals as there’s quite a learning curve to everything from writing to filming to tracking & reporting.There’s nothing wrong with finding a really great creative video advertising agency to do the heavy lifting when it comes to video ads creatives. Here at Viscap Media, we’re marketers at heart and not just geeks with cameras.We want you to get the best possible results with your video ads campaigns. We’re here to help and to learn more about us, check VisCap Media’s page on video advertising.When you’re ready, reach out to us and we'll be happy to set up a video call and consultation to see how we can best help your brand succeed.

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AI In Video Marketing BTS

AI In Video Marketing BTS[/caption]


To make a long story short, AI in marketing is getting more important by the day as more ad agencies and tech firms use more AI to stay competitive. Big Tech and ad agencies all use AI in marketing. This includes everything from daily tasks to optimizing million-dollar marketing campaigns.There are a million and one things agencies can use AI in marketing for, and if digital marketers don’t keep up with these new technologies they risk being left behind. Creating and optimizing video ads using AI is a best practice. It’s also something we do at VisCap Media.Using AI in marketing does make things easier, but creating results-driven creative video ads with proven frameworks is still a difficult project. Feel free to reach out if you’re having trouble with your creative content.Sources:4 Ways to Use AI for Marketing | ForbesWhat is Artificial Intelligence | IBM10 Examples of AI in Marketing | INC.com

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