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Top 6 Ways to Advertise Your Business

Online advertising is a complex and ever-evolving beast. It takes a lot of effort and time to figure out the exact combination of ads, platform content, backlinks, and social media management that drives maximum traffic for your business and website.Furthermore, lots of small businesses don’t know where to start when it comes to advertising for their companies. Many of them know they need a Facebook Business Page or a Google My Business listing.With that in mind, let’s break down the top six ways that you can advertise your business profile online.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We wanted to mention this here as sort of an "honorable mention." Small business owners tend to forget how important local search is for their success. Local SEO can be an immense help to your small business, especially in the early stages if you're able to get your business to rank high on results pages.Local SEO involves simple tasks like getting you in local online directories, submitting press releases about your business, publishing email newsletters, interacting with the local newspapers and local media, and last, ensuring your business information and phone number is accurate on Google Maps. All of this is equivalent to hundreds of dollars worth of free advertising.Now, on to the list.

Video Ads

First, you can and should use video ads constantly in your video marketing strategy. Video ads have a few big advantages over traditional text or static ads, like:

  • They can tell a complete and emotionally engaging story to your target consumers. When consumers are invested in an ad, they’re more likely to consider purchasing your product or visiting your website.
  • They can offer more information to target consumers than even the most detailed image ads.
  • They offer you the chance to prove your product’s effectiveness or core benefit on video.
  • Video ads are often regarded as more trustworthy (they get a higher click-through rate) than static image or text ads.

For all these reasons, it’s a good idea to hire an effective digital marketing agency like VisCap. If you want your video ads to be successful, you need to make sure that they are crafted with care and attention and that they represent your brand as professionally as possible.We'll be able to draw traffic to your Youtube channel and social media channels.Don’t settle for ads that look like first-year video college students made them. Hire a digital marketing agency with the experience and portfolio to back up their offers of quality content.

Social Media Ads

Social media marketing is a cornerstone of digital advertising for local businesses these days, and for a good reason. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have billions of users for you to target. More importantly, they offer you the opportunity to engage with your audience on a deeper level than before.Through social media ads, you can convert your target consumers when they don’t expect it. Furthermore, the best social media ads can drive engagement and conversation higher for your brand.The best social media ad campaigns will be complemented by at least one social media manager who can reply to comments and engage with your core consumers as you post ads and video content. Social media ads come in several different types, like image ads, carousel ads, and video ads.For the best results, you'll want to make several ads of each type and spread them across different social media platforms. All told, social media advertising can significantly revitalize the advertising results for your business and lead to excellent conversions or heightened brand awareness.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers are everywhere these days. Reach out to them and use influencers to connect with your core locals or consumers, especially in certain markets like apparel, makeup, gadgets, and more.Even better, influencers have built-in social media followings on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Because of this, influencer marketing and advertising deals can be easily added to existing social media marketing campaigns. Identify the most popular influencers in your niche or industry. After identifying these influencers, you can contact them and offer an advertising deal.In a nutshell, you’ll pay them to organically and proactively advertise your content or brand on their channel or to allow you a guest posting. The best influencers have this marketing art down to a science, so you should see relatively rapid returns both in brand awareness and in traffic to your most important pages or products.When done properly, influencer marketing can lead to rapid improvements in most of your key targeting metrics. However, influencer marketing requires that you keep your thumb on the proverbial pulse of social media stars. Again, having a digital marketing agency or social media manager on hand to control this aspect of digital marketing can be helpful.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is more useful than many online companies think. While it doesn’t take as much time or money as other forms of advertising, it’s very effective at:

  • Drawing old customers back to your online store or business
  • Reminding old consumers that your business still exists and that you might offer something they want to purchase
  • Announcing special deals or offers to improve traffic to your store for a certain timeframe, such as a sale for the holiday season
  • Bringing in customers that may have visited your site or even started a transaction but did not close their purchase

Email marketing is also incredibly cost-effective. Small businesses with limited marketing budgets should use it as often as possible.Email marketing involves emailing advertisements or predesigned messages to your target consumers whose emails you already acquired. You can get consumer emails through a number of methods, like:

  • Offering special goodies or coupons for email addresses
  • Requiring email addresses to check out from your online site

Once you have an email list, you can use automated email marketing tools to send emails to those consumers regularly or on certain occasions. Since most email marketing is automated, you don’t have to spend tons of time or money individually crafting specific emails or even sending the messages yourself.


PPC or pay-per-click ads are other cornerstones of online marketing. Also called search ads, these are the advertisements you see at the top of Google search results.Like email marketing, PPC ads can also be very cost-effective since you only pay for ads that your consumers click on.However, PPC ads can be very competitive. It can often be difficult to secure optimal ad positions for certain keywords if other companies in your industry have already had the same ideas. To that end, it helps to hire marketing agencies or other PPC ad professionals to create and place PPC ads for your business.Even though it can be difficult to get your PPC ads in front of as many eyes as you would like, Google Ads’ popularity has grown over the last few years. As your business expands and you spend money on your marketing campaigns, adding more PPC ads to your workflow may be a wise idea.

Branded Video Content

You can and should create and post branded video content as often as possible. Technically, branded video content isn’t another kind of advertisement. Instead, branded video content is organic, informative, and entertaining video content that happens to feature your brand in a positive light. You can post branded video content on a variety of channels or platforms, including Facebook and other social media platforms, YouTube, and even other websites.Why make branded video content in the first place? By spreading your brand throughout the Internet without directly advertising to consumers, you’ll avoid inundating your target consumers with ads. In other words, if you run too many ads, your target customers could decide to avoid your brand altogether.Branded video content can still drive audience action by boosting traffic to your website or improving brand awareness by showcasing your brand in content that is helpful in other ways.For example, if your brand sells camping and outdoor gear, you can make branded video content like guides for packing for a long hike or camping trip. The guide can showcase some of your products in helpful contexts, but it doesn’t serve as a direct advertisement for those products.Branded video content plays a key role in driving traffic across your website, and much of it will be posted there sooner or later. But like with video ads, you have to make sure that you create high-quality video content to ensure you don’t turn away your target consumers.VisCap Media can help. As one of the best digital marketing agencies in the industry, we’re well-equipped to craft brand-focused, converting video content for your business.

The VisCap Media Difference

Ultimately, all of the advertising methods above can and should be used by businesses that want to corner their niches and secure their target consumers as loyal customers. But as with any type of advertising, if you don’t make content with the quality and care necessary for conversions, you may as well be throwing your marketing money away.VisCap Media can ensure that your online marketing is successful. As expert video marketers, we can help you create dedicated video ads and organic, converting branded video content. Best of all, we’re easy to reach and are ready to help your brand succeed in the competitive online environment.Want to know more? Contact us today, and let’s get started on your digital marketing campaign! Sources11 Ways to Improve Your Calls to Action | QuickSproutEmotion: The Super Weapon Of Marketing And Advertising | ForbesInstagram: age distribution of global audiences 2021 | Statista

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